Website Information
This website is owned and managed by Bill Munns.
All questions about this site may be directed to me by e-mail  HERE                            (
This  alternate e-mail may be used if for any reason the above doesn't work      (

Licensing Photos for Publication
My digital arts website gallery has resulted in numerous publishers inquiring about the prospect of licensing
higher resolution versions of my imagery for their publications. I anticipate that similar inquiries may be made
about photos or charts displayed here in this gallery.
All the photos in this gallery are relatively low resolution, but much higher resolution scans of the original photos
are available, and publishers interested in such are invited to inquire about obtaining higher resolution versions for publication.
Website Additions  "What's New"
This is a log of new and revised pages for the returning visitor who may want to see a quick reference of what's been added, and when, and allow you to navigate more directly to any new material of interest (such as commentaries).
All photos of my work, and charts or graphics I create, are copyrighted this year 2008, by Bill Munns.
All rights reserved.